Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Elsa Queen Gown Spoilers

Sorry for lack of updates lately. Been pretty swamped with work and generally exhausting housekeeping tasks. I have had time, however to indulge in a bit of fun in the form of recreating Queen Elsa's dress from Frozen. Only lately saw the movie, despite having its ubiquitous "Let it Go" song played ad nauseam in my (and everyone else I know's) houses. 

In short (because I'm exhausted), I saw the dress, liked it, and decided to have a go at recreating it. Bought my fabric at Wal-Mart, with the exception of the cape fabric, which was purchased from Joann's. 

Here's what the dress looks like right now. It's far from finished, but it's beginning to look pretty good. The bodice, in particular, still needs a lot of attention. 
I really had a lot of fun with this dress, actually. It was relatively easy, despite not having a pattern (I cobbled together the various elements from several patterns in my collection, and modified them as necessary. I also added three godets to the back of both skirts to create a kind of "flowing water" effect; it's hard to see in these pictures, but it looks really cool.

The bodice was unusual, in that I utilized a medium I don't often use: craft foam. All those "scaley" things on the front are cut, individually, from craft foam, glued on, and painted. I've only finished the front thus far, which isn't actually done. Still have more painting and decoupaging to do, and I need to have the scales at the top go all the way up to cover the fabric beneath. 

The other major things I still have yet to do are the ombré dyeing of the lower portion of the skirt (I'll be doing it in a blue to match the cape, which will look incredible), and I need to embroider a bunch of snowflakes on the cape. Already found my patterns, so that'll be cake when it's time. 
In a few days, I'll have the finished project (it was supposed to be a one-day thing, but I decided to put more time into it), as well as my nearly-finished Thorin cape with fur mantle. 

One other bit of news: just got the leather for Thorin's coat (the one he wears throughout most of the first and second movie), and a raccoon-fur coat to use for the mantle and trim. It's going to do nicely, I think. A lot better than vinyl and faux fur, that's for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. Your room! It looks so clean! :) I mean, I can see the floor! *giggles* Love how your Elsa dress is turning out.
    Will embroidery be harder or easier on such thin fabric? I'm curious, having very limited experience with embroidery.
